Materia: Transparent solar cells.
The need for energy is growing. Therefore solar energy is a hot item the last few years. Solar panels made of silicons are however still quite expensive. In Groningen researchers are working on the developement of of a cheaper solar cell which can be made of plastic. Afshin Hadipour found a way to make semi-transparent solar cells made of plastic which can function as a window at the samen time. Moreover he developed a way to increase the effectiveness of the plastic solar cells. On the 7th of December he will promote at the university of Groningen.
The current solar cells are mostly made of silicones and can only be produced at high temperatures. This is extremely expensive and valuable. All over the world researchers are trying to find alternatives for the silicon solar cell. One of the alternatives is the plastic solar cell. According to Hadipour plastic solar cells have major advantages. The most important advantage is that they can be made in a relative cheap and simple way. Nonetheless, the plastic solar cells are not yet for sale, because the profit always was much less than the profit of silicon cells. Hadipour has been working on a method to make the plastic solar cells with a higher profit.